Mutual Funds

A mutual fund is an investment vehicle, which pools money from investors with common investment objectives. It then invests their money in multiple assets, in accordance with the stated objective of the scheme. The investments are made by an asset management company or AMC.

Why Invest in Mutual Funds?


Mutual fund investments are highly liquid. Compare that with a fixed deposit or a bond which has a fixed investment duration.


While investing in mutual funds, you have a multiple choice. You have a number of mutual fund schemes to choose from, which may invest in a whole range of industries and sectors, different kinds of asset Classes, and so on. You can find a mutual fund that matches just about any investment strategy you select.


SEBI regulations for mutual funds have made the industry very transparent. You can track the investments that have been made on your behalf to know the sectors and stocks being invested in.

In addition to this, you get regular information on the value of your investment. Mutual funds are mandated to publish the details of their portfolio regularly.

Low Investment Cost

A mutual fund enables you to participate in a diversified portfolio for as little as Rs 5000, and sometimes even lesser. And with a no-load fund, you pay little or no sales charges to own them.

SIP (Systematic Investment Plan)

"Little drops of water make the mighty ocean"

A SIP is the easiest way of investing in equity market. Under SIP a small amount of money is invested on a pre-set date every month into a specific scheme of Mutual Fund. It basically helps inculcate the habit of saving and building wealth for the future & Offers a Protection against Market Volatility.

What is Saving?

Saving is a process of setting aside a part of the monthly income to accumulate large sum over a period of time for future requirement.

What Is Investing?

Investing is putting aside certain sum of money in those financial investments that would help the money to grow over a period of time.

SIP is the smartest way to make money through investing in mutual funds.

Benefits of SIP?

Power of Compounding

Convenience in Investing

Light on Pocket

Light on Pocket

SWP (Systematic Withdrawal Plan)

SWP is exactly Opposite of SIP, in which you will get fix amount of Monthly Withdrawals out of your Capital Invested. It allows you to grow your Invested Capital under Mutual Fund along with fulfilling basic Household Requirements.

SWP is advisable as a retirement plan where one can take systematic withdrawals up to 8% (Advisable) so that One can met his/her monthly household requirements and remaining balanced fund will grow along with market in a long run.

PMS (Portfolio Management Service)

Portfolio Management Service or PMS offers professional management of your investments with an objective to deliver superior risk adjusted returns. PMS also saves investors from the hassle of monitoring the portfolio and do regular reviews and rebalance and also the risk management. This makes the PMS, an ideal investment avenue for high net-worth investors. Since the stock market is uncertain and volatile, investment in PMS takes care to diversify risk and thereby minimize the impact of adverse events on the investment portfolio.

PMS is managed by seasoned investment professionals who have considerable experience and expertise not only in equity markets but also in managing different asset classes. Each PMS investment may have different theme/ strategy, and thus the portfolio adhering to that strategy is communicated to the clients while signing up. As the PMS investment usually have concentrated stock portfolio, it may have better chance to generate alpha over the underlying index returns.

We suggest PMS investment of various reputed asset managers and thus help investors get the desired returns out of it, of course by taking adequate risk.

Will Making

A Will is made by a person when he desires to distribute his wealth to his near and dear ones after his death. Mostly a person gives his property only to his wife and children or if it is a woman, she gives all her assets to her husband and children. But sometimes, you may want to give some share of your assets to your brother, sister, mother, father, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, cousin, a friend or even your maid, driver, watchman or any other person whom you like. But when you have to make such a distribution, you may get confused as to how to sort it out.

To begin with, make a list of all your properties. Then make another list of all the beneficiaries to whom you want to give your property, on the other hand. Finally, you should decide who gets what.

Points You Should Know When Making A Will:

Clarity: You have to clearly write the name, age, address, relationship of the beneficiary with you and any other details of the beneficiary and mention the full details of the property that you desire to give to the particular beneficiary. Mention the date clearly in words rather than numbers.

Integrity of the Document: Remember that once a property is given to one particular beneficiary, then you can’t allot the same to another beneficiary as a whole. In such instances where you want to give one property to many beneficiaries, you have to clearly draw the lines on how much share of that property goes to each beneficiary. Or if it is to be equally shared, then mention it clearly.

No Ambiguity: The words of the Will should never be ambiguous or confusing or meaningless. This can make the Will void with respect to that particular part which is meaningless or confusing.

No Handwritten Text in a Printed Will: Do not write in on a printed will. Put your signature just below the last line of the Will. Any text below the signature is treated as not a part of the Will and will be discarded. Hence your signature is very important and needs to be carefully placed.

Handwritten Will: Handwritten Wills are legally valid too. But never use different inks if your Will is handwritten, and never use different handwritings in the same document. All this leads to suspicion.

A Will should have the following necessary details:

Testator Details: Name, age, address details of the person making the Will, Beneficiary Details – In case of multiple beneficiaries, the details of each beneficiary like name, age, address, relationship of the beneficiary with the Testator.

Property Details: The details of the properties which the testator wants to give to his beneficiaries under his Will like the description, the registration number, the date of registration and whether it is his self-acquired property etc. If it is a movable property, then the details and description of each should be clearly and individually mentioned.

Specific Assets: Any specific assets like a silver Ganesha idol or a golden utensil etc should be specifically described.

Guardian for Minors: If the Testator wishes to give his property to any beneficiary who is a minor, then definitely he should appoint a guardian who will take care of the minor’s property till the minor attains majority.

Executor of the Will: The Testator should appoint an Executor to his Will. An Executor is a person who shall implement the Will after the Testator’s death.

Signature and Date: The Will should be clearly dated and signed by the Testator at the place in the document just below the last sentence in the document.

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